• Content Management Systems

    Content Management Systems Multimedia Content

    Right now in my Content Management Systems course, we are learning the importance of multimedia content in our site. For example, happy people on our site are important because we are more wired to be drawn to faces. Here is an example image Another type of image discussed is a metaphor image. Metaphor images are important to further enforce an idea. I chose a hammer and a nail as a metaphor for the importance of enforcing metaphor images. Hammer and nail are there to represent the idea of beating something over and over to prove a point. Finally, we discussed ambient photos and their importance. Basically, ambient photos are important…

  • Advanced Web Development

    Web Development Progress 2/25/2022

    Welcome to my blog post about my development of web development. Currently, I’m pursuing a web development certificate at CCV. Right now, in my second semester I’m taking 4 classes, Advanced Web Development, Programming for Interent, Intro to Digital Marketing, and Content Management Systems. Specifically Content Management Systems in the class that I’m working on this blog! I did have another blog for a class I took last semester called Multimedia Applications and Tools and here is the link if you want to check it out adamsmultimedia11.blogspot.com/
